PatronBase have just launched WebHub, a service for those wanting to work on the go.
WebHub is a great integration of all of PatronBase’s key features into one, easy to use system. It includes group messaging, live chat, an in/out board, ticket sales monitoring, campaign monitoring, occupancy monitoring and a patron search.
The group messaging feature allows easy, fast communication to any number of individuals or groups within the PatronBase system. You can set up specific communication groups that you wish to message at once or send to everyone in the system.
Live chat lets you instant message anyone, anywhere. Whether you have someone based at the theatre and you need to ask them a question, or a director out on the road, it is easy to send them a direct message.
The in/out board feature allows you to see where people are in real time. If you require the box office to be manned at all times, this feature allows you to see who is there and where everyone else is.
Ticket sales monitoring, campaign monitoring and occupancy monitoring allows you to track and manage your theatre. You can see how sales and fundraising is tracking at a glance while seeing how full the theatre is with the occupancy monitor.
The patron search function allows you to check information while you are on the go with a number of fields being searchable. This means that you don’t have to wait to get back to your desk and can get the answer you require immediately.
To find out more information about WebHub and a full breakdown of its features, visit the website here.